SQL Developer

Heat map for Redo Size in SQL Developer...

I've gotten a lot of mileage out of my old SQL Developer Archive Log Count Heat Map report that I created in SQL Developer. I was recently asked to estimate the amount of redo that might be sent to a DataGuard standby. Searching The Google for this and I found some methods for calculating Network Bandwidth but I wanted to start with raw redo generated from an instance using information from v$archived_log.

5 in 5 Vizualization 2 - Generating a d3.js visualization from a SQL Developer HTML report...

This second vizualization is more of a workflow proof of concept compared to some novel visualization but I can guarantee you haven't seen the SCOTT.EMP table like this before. I have wanted to combine my two favorite tools for a while. Here is how you can drive a d3.js visualization directly from a SQL Developer custom report.

SQL Developer 4 User Defined Reports

I enjoyed giving my presentation on SQL Developer User Defined Reports to the 2014 East Coast Oracle Users Conference. This is a local conference that is a great value and pulls in lots of fun folks that attend and present.


Check out my GitHub project for examples and source code : https://github.com/dmann99/SQLDevUDRepPack

Updated Heat Map Report

During my preparation for a visualization presentation at East Coast Oracle Users Group I realized I had an opportunity for a teaching moment on Levels of Abstraction. A few months back I published my PL/SQL code for an Archived Log Switch Heat Map.

Using Google Charts API and SQL Developer (or SQLPLUS)...

I added a page to my SQL Developer Tips and Tricks page about integrating the Google Graph API with SQL Developer HTML reports.

I sometimes run out of steam with the built in chart and gauge capabilities of SQL Developer. With a little work you can leverage the Google Graph API to create Line, Bar, Pie Charts, Map, Scatter, Venn Diagrams, Radar Charts, QR Codes and Meters.

Here is everything you need to know to get started: SQL Developer and Google Graph API Example


Archived Log Switch Heat Map for SQL Developer...

... or just use SQLPLUS to spool to HTML and open with a browser if you are old school :)

I am on week 4 of my newly reimaged work laptop sans Toad. I am trying to make a go of things with SQL Developer only. So far so good. I have a more comprehensive post on my transition in the works but in the meantime I have been filling in some gaps with User Defined Reports. I started collecting them here: https://github.com/dmann99/SQLDevUDRepPack

Speed up SQL Developer Startup

If you are using SQL Developer 2.x you can reduce your startup time by about 20% by disabling any unneeded extensions. I was able to reduce my startup time from 11 seconds to 8 seconds by turning off all extensions (none of which I really needed anyway).

Using Proxy Connections with SQL Developer or SQLPLUS

When trying to debug for another user sometimes it is helpful to be able to log in as that user. In the past magic was done by admins by storing the encrypted passwords, setting to a new temporary password, logging in, and then resetting the old encrypted password back.

Luckily modern Oracle versions we have the concept of a Proxy user. This allows connecting as one user but masquerading as another user (once proper permissions have been granted of course).

So far I have done this with SQL Developer and SQLPLUS, instructions are below for a test case.

SQL Developer Custom Report Example - Long Operations Graph

I added a new tutorial to my collection of SQL Developer information. The tutorial covers creation of a HTML Custom Report for SQL Developer.

Here is an example of the report running and showing 1 long operation (click to enlarge):

If you would like to see how this is done the tutorial is available here.


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