Basic Install and test of Vagrant and Virtualbox

1) Install Vagrant.

Download software at .
Accept all defaults during the install.

2) Install VirtualBox.

Software is available at .
Accept all defaults during the install.

3) Install Plugin for Vagrant/Virtualbox interaction.

Run the following in the cmd window:

vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest

4) Test it!

mkdir c:\work
cd \work
vagrant init ubuntu/trusty64
vagrant up
vagrant ssh

Now you are logged into your new local Trusty Ubuntu box!

5) Destroy it!
This step will stop the VM and delete it. This will free up cpu, ram, and disk resources for other projects.
If you just want to pause your development, just HALT.
If you want to stop the VM and delete it, HALT then DESTROY.

vagrant halt
vagrant destroy

Windows install workaround:
If issues with curl are reported when trying to use Vagrant to download VM images you may need to install Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x86). This happened to me on Windows 10.