
Heat map for Redo Size in SQL Developer...

I've gotten a lot of mileage out of my old SQL Developer Archive Log Count Heat Map report that I created in SQL Developer. I was recently asked to estimate the amount of redo that might be sent to a DataGuard standby. Searching The Google for this and I found some methods for calculating Network Bandwidth but I wanted to start with raw redo generated from an instance using information from v$archived_log.

Slides and Examples for Time for Some New Graphs...

I gave my talk "Time for Some New Graphs: Incorporating Time and Animation Elements into Your Web App Visualizations" at KScope14 this week. As usual KScope has delivered on content and experts. I have been enjoying immersing myself in the Administration and Apex tracks.

Here are the slides to my presentation : Time For Some New Graphs - Slides

Application Express and Open Source Graphing Libraries

This is my v2 of a presentation on ideas for going beyond the Application Express default graphs and info on 3 popular Javascript graphing libraries that can be incorporated into Apex Applications.


A Brief Brief about a Brief KScope13 Visit...

Due to some unforeseen circumstances I was unable to spend as much time as I would have liked at KScope13 in New Orleans but boy did I pack a lot into the 24 hours that I was there.

Updated Heat Map Report

During my preparation for a visualization presentation at East Coast Oracle Users Group I realized I had an opportunity for a teaching moment on Levels of Abstraction. A few months back I published my PL/SQL code for an Archived Log Switch Heat Map.

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