Submitted by dave on Fri, 10/03/2008 - 16:59
PGA Memory Used per Session
-- PGA Memory Used per Session col name for a20 col machine for a15 break on report compute sum label "total pga mem" of value on report SELECT s.sid, username, machine, ss.status, name, value FROM v$statname n, v$sesstat s, v$session ss WHERE n.STATISTIC# = s.STATISTIC# AND s.sid = ss.sid AND ='session pga memory' ORDER BY value DESC;
PGA Memory Usage Summary by Username
-- PGA Memory Usage Summary by Username SELECT username, RTRIM(TO_CHAR(SUM(value), '999,999,999,999')) as TotalMemUsed, RTRIM(TO_CHAR(AVG(value), '999,999,999,999')) as AvgMemUsed, COUNT(*) as NumSessions FROM v$statname n, v$sesstat s, v$session ss WHERE n.STATISTIC# = s.STATISTIC# AND s.sid = ss.sid AND like 'session pga memory' GROUP BY USERNAME ORDER BY AVG(VALUE) DESC;
AWE Memory Map Activity Percent (8i, 9i)
If you are using AWE Memory Windowing on Windows operating system, this can tell you how much action the Memory Window is seeing.
-- AWE Memory Map Activity Percent select (select value from v$sysstat where statistic# = 155) / (select value from v$sysstat where statistic# = 154) * 100 as percent from dual;