otop , a 'top' utility for Oracle

I recently discovered that someone else is publishing some Perl utilities to monitor Oracle!

I've been using Perl to get things done with Oracle for a while and have found it extremely helpful. The current environment that I work in has a mixture of OSes so sometimes its easier to install Perl and DBI everywhere and write a simple Perl Script than to try to do something in DOS Batch for one client and then do it again in a bash shell script for another.

Sean Hull published a video of his talk about otop, the PowerPoint slides, and the downloadable source on his company's site:

WAMP - ing

Windows / Apache / MySQL / Php.

This is a diversion from my usual immersion in all things Oracle. Along with my blog at http://www.ba6.us I've got a handful of sites that are quick and dirty custom webapps that I host on BlueHost.com. BlueHost, like many consumer level web hosts offers Apache, MySQL, and Php on the cheap.

I wanted an environment I could use for development and experimentation. Here is how to set up a simple dev environment for Apache / MySQL / Php on a Windows machine…

1) Windows

I'm not going to cover installation of Windows here.

Oracle imp utility COMMIT parameter and LOBS…

If you have a lot of LOB data to move around with Oracle import/export utilities this might help you out. The default for the COMMIT parameter is No.

COMMIT=N : For tables that have a LOB column, commit is performed after loading each table
This is much faster but be aware that you will use more Rollback space since each table will be committed in one large transaction.

COMMIT=Y : For tables that have a LOB column, commit is performed after each row (slow!, much overhead added because so many transactions are used to import the data)

Using SQLPLUS to generate scripts…

Tired of updating scripts by searching and replacing until your fingers fall off? Have a SQL statement you have to run against every table in your schema?

Next to Regular Expressions, this is one of the most useful tools in my arsenal.

Common uses for this are to write SQL statements that can work from a list of objects in the database:


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