Permalink Submitted by dave on Wed, 01/29/2014 - 00:18.
Hi Mastan,
That is a great question. Sorry I never wrote my follow up post.
My method for catching SP2 errors is via analyzing the output with a text search tool.
In the Unix world this is usually with a pass of the GREP utility. I have a shell script that wraps the calls to SQLPlus. It uses GREP with a regular expression to trap the SP2-nnnn error text if it appears in the output log. Then my shell script acts
Oracle 11g SQLPlus does have a new error logging feature which writes errors to a table. This table can then be analyzed for errors including SP2 errors. More info is available here in Tom Kyte's blog post .
Hi Mastan,
Hi Mastan,
That is a great question. Sorry I never wrote my follow up post.
My method for catching SP2 errors is via analyzing the output with a text search tool.
In the Unix world this is usually with a pass of the GREP utility. I have a shell script that wraps the calls to SQLPlus. It uses GREP with a regular expression to trap the SP2-nnnn error text if it appears in the output log. Then my shell script acts
Oracle 11g SQLPlus does have a new error logging feature which writes errors to a table. This table can then be analyzed for errors including SP2 errors. More info is available here in Tom Kyte's blog post .