
Application Express and Open Source Graphing Libraries

This is my v2 of a presentation on ideas for going beyond the Application Express default graphs and info on 3 popular Javascript graphing libraries that can be incorporated into Apex Applications.


Updated Heat Map Report

During my preparation for a visualization presentation at East Coast Oracle Users Group I realized I had an opportunity for a teaching moment on Levels of Abstraction. A few months back I published my PL/SQL code for an Archived Log Switch Heat Map.

Using Google Charts API and SQL Developer (or SQLPLUS)...

I added a page to my SQL Developer Tips and Tricks page about integrating the Google Graph API with SQL Developer HTML reports.

I sometimes run out of steam with the built in chart and gauge capabilities of SQL Developer. With a little work you can leverage the Google Graph API to create Line, Bar, Pie Charts, Map, Scatter, Venn Diagrams, Radar Charts, QR Codes and Meters.

Here is everything you need to know to get started: SQL Developer and Google Graph API Example


Archived Log Switch Heat Map for SQL Developer...

... or just use SQLPLUS to spool to HTML and open with a browser if you are old school :)

I am on week 4 of my newly reimaged work laptop sans Toad. I am trying to make a go of things with SQL Developer only. So far so good. I have a more comprehensive post on my transition in the works but in the meantime I have been filling in some gaps with User Defined Reports. I started collecting them here:

Alexandria PL/SQL Library

I came across this PL/SQL page today which has pointers to a lot of interesting stuff you can do with PL/SQL.

From the page:
"This library is a collection of various utility packages for PL/SQL, as well as links to useful libraries hosted and maintained elsewhere."

It includes a lot of things I never really figured I would need to do in PL/SQL, but it is nice to see someone is thinking of it. If you have any libraries to share, please contact the maintainers of the page.

Accuracy of PROFILER.SQL from Metalink Doc: 243755.1

I came across a situation where the profiler.sql supplied with Metalink Doc: 243755.1 was giving some incomplete results. Because some of my PL/SQL code was executing very quickly it was rounding down to 0.00 and not even showing up on the 'Top 10' section.

Throughout profiler.sql there are timing numbers (unit = sends) that are rounded to 2 places. Looking in the comments for profiler.sql I noticed the last update was early 2007. Maybe Moore's law and CPU power has caught up with profiler.sql but I would recommend increasing the granularity of the script by doing the following:

Food for thought - Who Should Tune SQL - DBA or Developer?

Iggy Fernandez covers the topic of who is better suited to tune SQL - Developers or DBAs. Also listed are 5 Dangerous Beliefs which may influence the answer to that question.


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