Stealth subversion install - access over SSH...

Want to use SubVersion but only have access to a box via SSH? Maybe you've got a cheap web hosting account and the host hasn't gotten with the program to officially offer SubVersion as a feature?

This post outlines a way to install SubVersion server and have your client access the repositories via SSH.


  • If you've got SSH access and rights to compile some code, you can get SubVersion running. I was able to do this on a cheap account.

Stupid RMAN tricks...

So I have mentioned before about the replication product that we use that is based on Archived Redo Logs (Golden Gate). Well sometimes the replication process abends before the RMAN backup. Since there is no communication between the two processes, RMAN happily removes archived logs that the replication process might need the next time it starts up.

Because of this we usually like to keep a few hours worth of archived logs hanging around.

Does this suck up disk space? Yes.
Is it worth it sacrifice some disk space in order to save us some DBA time? Absolutely.


The fuser unix/linux command...

I colleague turned me on to a helpful command the other night.

Where I work we have an archived log based replication system. It was way behind on processing and the replication process doesn't give any indication of what log its currently chewing on.

/sbin/fuser to the rescue!

  • 1) 'cd' to a directory where you want to check the files
  • 2) run '/sbin/fuser *' to discover what processes are touching files in the directory

[oracle@test /] cd /u01/app/oracle/oradata/TEST
[oracle@test TEST] ls redo*



-- Dave


Perl has been Eclipsed...

I've been using TextPad for writing Perl programs forever. TextPad is a pretty lightweight editor with a lot of decent features. Its nice because you can set up a PL document class with a syntax file to enable highlighting whenever you edit a *.pl file.

But today I'm working on a more complicated script with multiple functions. My main requirement is that there be an outline view so I can quickly jump between functions.

Span 2 monitors with Remote Desktop Connection

Allrighty, this is awesome. One of my main reasons I like to work in the office instead of at home is how my environment is set up. Things are kind of slow over the VPN so its easiest to just use Microsoft Remote Desktop Connection (mstsc.exe) to connect to my work PC. But the big issue was the display. I like having a lot of screen realestate. I've got 2 21" monitors at work, and I've got the same setup at home.

Well with the latest version of mstsc.exe you can create a huge desktop session that spans both monitors!


Getting return value and output text with Perl...

I know using Perl backticks call I can execute an OS command and easily get the output.

I know using Perl system() call I can execute an OS command and easily get the return value.

Today I found out a way to get both.


Open Source BI and Reporting Project

A friend of mine just turned me on to Pentaho.

From the site:


Oracle9i Database: Advanced Backup and Recovery Using RMAN

So I took my first hands-on class from Oracle this month.

I'm usually of the 'sit down with a book and computer' camp when I need to learn something new, but where I work we needed RMAN proficiency quickly. I thought it might be better to get out of the office for a few days and buckle down on the topic.

Changing spreport to run StatsPacks from the command line...

Statspack Reports can be useful for diagnosing performance problems, but they are only useful if they are generated and available!


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